Bike Summary
'Sab' is short for Suave Agile Badger. When I bought the bike and road it for a little I decided its color scheme reminded me of a badger. Additionally I felt it drove/rode so well it made me feel I was a really good rider. I'm not. I'm average. Even after 30+ years riding and perhaps all the more for that reason I am simply ordinary in terms of riding prowess but this bike is clairvoyant.
I've always wanted a boxer because they're a bit mad looking. They look sort of cumbersome with those bulbous reciprocating cylinders. There's about 100 years of R&D behind that boxer configuration. Some bikes you ride and some bikes ride you but this one sort of rides for you. When I first rode the bike, I was truly surprised to experience how it sort of took over. It feels as if you could fall asleep and it would bring you home safe and sound. It rides like a much lighter bike. It's smooth and does just about everything well. I doubt you'd win a GP on it but it handles really well. So well in fact that I have scraped the center stand off the ground in cornering on several occasions. It's easy to lean it over fairly low but as mentioned, there are some unpleasant surprises inherent in doing so. I've often thought about removing the center stand as a result but then I remind myself to chill out and ride that way on the Kracken (the KTM SDR 1290R).