Bike Summary
I bought a red VFR because everyone knows they're faster than the white ones.
'Chester' is short for Manchester. I'm a big Manchester United fan despite their 'malogious' performance over the last nine or so years. I thought I would name this sparkling red bike after them - maybe it would make them play better. It hasn't worked yet, but I'm optimistic that it soon will.
Soccer aside, I bought it because I've always wanted one and when I wanted it most, I couldn't afford it. So this is one item to strike off the bucket list. Now that I own one, I can safely say it's capabilities are tame compared with more recent and modern road bikes. For example; my KTM. The VFR is extremely underpowered by comparison. That said, it's a really nice bike. Does everything quite well. It's nice in the 'twisties' and it's happy to do anything you want. However, to get an exhilarating ride out of her is hard. You have to ride it like you stole it and that usually leads to riding like a lunatic so when I want performance I ride the KTM...but I bless myself beforehand, because its completely bonkers. The VFR is the labrador of bikes. Loyal, very nice, well behaved and,....well, I'll stop there you get the picture.
Notably it's a similar vintage to the Triumph. When you get over a certain speed on the Triumph (well below any limits... ofcourse, officer), the front end got very light and a little wobbly but the VFR gets more planted and stable. Clearly, there were some smart wind tunnel gurus working in Honda.