The Fire Element
In TCM, the Fire element has two meridians associated with it which means a little more complexity than the other elements. The Yin aspect of one meridian is associated with the Heart and the other meridian is associated with the Pericardium. On the Yang side, the Small Intestine and the Triple warmer partner the two Yin organs. The Triple warmer or burner as its sometimes known is a Chinese concept which has no corresponding physical organ. It's a little esoteric so I'll Google that one for you. The heart sits behind and slightly to the left of the breast bone and ontop of the lungs and sits within the Pericardium, a sack like membrane The small intestine constitutes most of what we know as our bowels. An adults is about 8m in length.
For more information on the Fire Element, the heart/pericardium and the small intestine/triple warmer, see Chris Shelton's book; 'QiGong for Self-Refinement'.
Heart Activity
The heart is most active between 11am and 1pm.
Pericardium Activity
The pericardium is most active between 7pm and 9pm.
Small Intestine Activity
The small intestine is most active between 1pm and 3pm.
Triple Warmer Activity
The triple warmer is most active between 9pm and 11pm.
Heart Cleansing
In the above video, Chris Shelton shows how to practice Heart/Pericardium cleansing.
Attributes for Practice
Visualize a Red/Pink light around your heart center
Negative Emotions
Over excitation, too much joy, mania
Positive Virtues
Love, joy, gratitude.
Healing Sound
Sensory Organ
Tongue Placement
Roof of mouth behind upper teeth, against the little ridge of tissue - as if you were saying the letter "n".
Which of the 5 senses?
What is it responsible for?
Veins and arteries inside the body.
Optimal Direction
To optimize the effectiveness of Qigong cleansing practices, each element in the 5 element Qigong lineage has a compass direction one should face when practicing it.
When one is practicing Fire element Qigong (cleansing and balancing the heart/pericardium and the small intestine/triple warmer), if possible and known to you; face south.